
The Robyn's Rainbows Mission:


Hair loss caused by chemotherapy

Robyn Markson, along with countless women diagnosed with cancer, had to endure the extremely emotional impact of complete hair loss.

As Robyn continued her treatments over a nine-year period, she did everything possible to prevent losing her hair for a second time. Discovering the DigniCap was a life-changer for her, allowing her to receive the appropriate treatment while avoiding the side effect she dreaded most.

In 2015 the FDA gave clearance to The DigniCap® Scalp Cooling System. It is now indicated to reduce the likelihood of chemotherapy-induced alopecia in cancer patients and has been used successfully by tens of thousands of patients worldwide.

While the DigniCap® is effective, it can be cost-prohibitive for many patients. At a $300 out of pocket fee per treatment (with a $2,950 lifetime max), the cap can only be accessed by a small group of patients. With this in mind, we have established a sponsorship fund in Robyn’s honor called “Robyn’s Rainbows,” which will raise funds to be donated to cancer patients who cannot afford the DigniCap on their own. 


The DigniCap® 

HOW DigniCap® WORKS: Reducing the temperature in the cap results in a reduced blood flow so less chemotherapy reaches the hair cells. Hair cells are therefore not exposed to the full dose of chemotherapy and may be able to survive the chemotherapy treatment. This is an amazing advancement for cancer patients worldwide. 

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Our Impact

To date, Robyn's Rainbows has raised over $40,000 to help to serve all of the women who so desperately need our assistance. Our goal is to raise $25,900 to help even more cancer patients.



Thousand Dollars Raised



Patients receiving help



Donors for the cause


Thank you in advance for generously contributing to Robyn's Rainbows and honoring Robyn's legacy.

- The Markson Family
