
In 2024 Lori Gilman was Diagnosed with ovarian cancer and began chemotherapy. She was able to access the DigniCap Scalp Cooling system - to reduce the likelihood of chemotherapy-induced hair loss. This was significant for Lori.

Here is an excerpt from her story:

“If you know me at all you know I am an open book… I want to continue posting and living my life as normal however it is by no means normal right now… so here it goes… when what I thought was bloating from eating and drinking too much during the holidays and a life with not a great stomach continued I started looking for answers. After a Ct scan and a laparoscopic biopsy surgery 2-3 weeks ago all signs pointed to (extremely rare) Appendix Cancer. A week ago when the pathology came back my diagnosis was changed to Ovarian Cancer ( which is also pretty rare) but a somewhat better (if there is anything better lol ) diagnosis.

As most of you know God likes to throw me curve balls every now and then to say the least!
I will continue to move forward as usual.  That is how I am programmed. So I will continue to share my jewelry and journey as always…it just might be a bit of a different journey…(www.laurelandbleau.com :)

A very special thank you to family and friends who have all been amazing! It truly takes a village!

I’ve got a lot of life to live quickly and that is what I plan to do. I’m gonna “live life for a living” starting right NOW! Excuse me while I go kick cancers butt!”


Please help us to raise funds for Robyn’s Rainbows - in Lori Gilman’s honor - so that additional women can benefit from the Dignicap.

We are grateful for any $ amount you can contribute.